Thursday, May 14, 2009

Simple Fitness and Biomechanical Wisdom

If it does not move and it should = roll it/stretch it!

If it moves when it should not = Stabilize it!

If it hurts perform tennis ball self massage!

If you do not understand what rolling and tennis ball massage are them but the book, it's all in there!

Does not get any easier than that.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Exercise of the week

To start off the week and with spring a few days away I will give you a great full body functional movement to start off with. The exercise is a reverse lunge row. Simply go into a split leg stance with the back in neutral and head up. Be sure that the hips are in line, perform the row with the same side leg that is behind you. This exercise is fantastic for back strength and hip/shoulder flexibility.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Exercise of the week

Responders, here is an easy one. A single leg row. A great way to integrate a lower body stability exercise into an upper body strength and postural reeducation movement. The row is an excellent motion, just remember not to shrug, squeeze your shoulder blades and to keep your hip/knee 'soft' so you avoid leaning back and straining your back. 3 sets of 12-15 reps should do the trick.

Single Leg Row

Monday, February 16, 2009

Strength Training Causes Muscle Imbalances?

Yes, you read the title correctly. A study published in the journal of strength and conditioning research from Nova Southern university showed that recreational strength trained men have a high incidence of muscle imbalances. Now, what have I been saying all this time? Traditional 'gym science' exercises on machines and focusing on the pretty muscles Will do nothing but cause and reinforce postural distortion and muscle imbalances. This directly correlates to injurious patterns, joint strain and muscle fatigue/damage. Remember that your chosen career sets you up for poor posture and repetitive patterns that are know to be rough on the body. What we know we know wrong folks, the gym class and high school weight room exercises of yesteryear are bad. They did not work then and they do not work now. Please realize that there is a better way to train, smarter and safer. The 'Fit Responder' book is just that, a BS filter to lead you down the path to safe health and wellness. Nothing pains me more than to see dedicated police/fire/ems responders in the gym vainly attempting to be fit and strong, unknowingly reinforcing postural patterns and setting up that cascade effect of injury. Just because a lot of folks have jumped on the band wagon of 'military type' fitness and are exercising at extreme intensity does not mean your body is ready for it. When was the last time you were tested for movement pattern dysfunction?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gut Check

Responders, please pay attention!

In the 'Back to Feeling Great' book there is an entire section dedicated to testing. The movement and biomechanical tests are accurate and valid, they can be applied to a vast population safely and can be re-tested bi-annualy. Without testing the base movements in the body we have no way of actually knowing what is working properly versus what is a cheat pattern. The best athletes cheat through a movement. it does not mean they are secure from injury just that they have mechanically figured out how to get it done faster, which we know is not always better.

I assessed a neighbor yesterday (she is teaching my wife to play piano) and she has a HX of Right sided Lower back Pain. With symptoms of 'popping' in the lower back and calf/foot numbness we have a problem. Now, this very smart lady has been to chiropractors, oriental medicine physicians, pilates instructors, massage therapists and her sister is a Physical Therapist. Do you think anyone picked up on her underlying issue? NO. I took her through the same tests in the 'Fit Responder' book plus a few ortho. tests and guess what? Pelvis is weak, and her spinal SEGMENTAL STABILIZERS are non existent. She shows signs of degenerative joint/disk and spinal instability. With really strong gross motor muscles(abs/obliques/quads/hip flexors)from years of pilates and yoga and a total inability to find and maintain NEUTRAL SPINE she has lost the ability to stabilize her spine = pain and popping. I put her into a standing neutral spine position with a slight hip hinge and she was totally pain free (it's in the book). When she gets back from the spine doctor I sent her to and we know exactly what her spine looks like I will help get her back to many of the activities she enjoys, pain free. All this took less than 45 min. to assess and teach some corrective exercises.

If I could go this far that quickly with such a level of accuracy why are we not doing this stuff on a departmental or clinical level on each person? Am I the only one that can see how much time/money will be saved by finding it and fixing it before it's broken?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Step Up!

I must vent! just took a client through a workout. She has a HUGE bulging disk at L3-4 that was injected 3 weeks ago, symptoms have lessened but she is still full of spasm and pain. I had her do one of my favorite “diagnostic exercises” a step up. While watching her mechanics I noticed that a) the right hip and leg moved perfectly (this is where the pain is) b) the Left foot turns in, Left knee turns in and left low back fires to compensate = bad pattern. So I had her lay on a table and noticed a short right leg. Now, what does this all mean? = cross pattern!

Basically if you have pain on one side of the body and dysfunction on the other side the structures caught in the middle, in this case the spine, get torque and strain all day so something has to give. So I released her right adductor, Left calf and posterior tibialis and both thoracic paraspinals. Followed with a gentile hip flexor stretch and re-test.

Not suprisingly on retest she had almost no pattern dysfunction and no pain, next visit we can begin correcting the imbalance through exercise. In many cases it’s just that simple, so if you suffer from pain and re-injury or exercise and physical therapy do not resolve the issue please find someone near you who can do this stuff. Or buy the ‘Fit Responder’ book, it’s in there to.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A fitness Rant

Ok, just had a ‘conversation’ with a long time client of mine. Recently another trainer on my staff has been working with this person. When I left them a few months ago the client was pain free and well on their way to achieving their goals. Recently we have been dealing with a resurgence of shoulder and neck issues (this is what the client originally came in for) After a good bit of the ‘the blame game’ I determined a few things.

1) The client does not stretch herself, does not use the foam roll for self massage or the ’stick’ for self massage. The client also neglects to come in for a maintenance massage as recommended.

2) The client has re-entered what is called an ‘upper crossed syndrome’ which is essentially a forward head posture, tight anterior neck, tight pects and traps and weak mid-back and shoulder blades.

3) The client has lost the ability to fire her scapular (shoulder blade) stabilizers and because of this simple movements are causing pain.

SO, what have we learned? Be responsible for yourself, stretch daily. Use your foam roll and ’stick’ a few days a week with out fail. As a practitioner or participant never assume that you will not loose what you worked to gain….use it or loose it. If something that used to feel good now causes pain there is most likely either a tight muscle or body part or your technique/application of that particular exercise is flawed.