Monday, December 17, 2007

The Christmas Ache

Well, the season is upon us to forget all the we have worked on from the past year. Now is the time to become irresponsible, forget your diet, stop exercising, don't stretch... just fall off the wagon. A little known fact is that during the holiday season the risk of heart attacks and strokes roughly triples. The reason this occurs is that people forget to take their medications, eat foods that they don't normally eat. This causes a cascade effect of increasing blood pressure and changes in body composition, coupled with the stress of the holiday season. An unfortunate fact is that the rate of suicides also increases exponentially during the holidays. So the best advice I can give during the stressful season is that the best path to take is to continue on the path you're on. keep exercising, manage your diet carefully, avoid stressful situations, and just have a good time. If you have not begun a regular habit of diet and exercise now is absolutely the best time to start. Staying true exercise and diet program this time a year will make it much much easier to continue a healthy habit good lifestyle changes with the upcoming new year. And as I'm always fond of saying Summers comming!

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