Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Holiday Thoughts

With another holiday week/end upon us I find myself back on the usual rant about eating well, making good choices and not falling off the band wagon of exercise and stretching. We are all human and you have to live a little but make good choices, and eat smaller portions. Yet again the morning after the holiday....'THE DAY AFTER" everyone drags themselves back into the gym or out on the road to 'burn it all off', and while I would normally applaud this proactive behavior the point is health and wellness is a full time job. Live it, be it, practice it and encourage it from and for others. Of course I'm not saying don't have fun, have a little of the bad stuff but keep it small. If you have set strict goals for yourself, which you should never sent them that tight, keep your eyes on the ball and continue to strive for that goal.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I believe that I have found a new definition for STRESS. I define it as a totally un-controllable 2.75 year old boy, that appears to have sensory input issues / ADD. Parents can't and wont control him, he is unable to process commands and is unable to focus on anything! Now to the health point...would you give this child sugary drinks all day, processed food only and keep him up till 2300 hrs with no nap! DAMN!, has he been tested, of course not, but at least limit the stimulants and chemicals he is exposed to. By the way, he is 'running over' my calm 2.25 yr old, got to go.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Summer's Comming

Ok folks it's that time of year again, time to drag out that bikini and spedo. All kidding aside, Summer is almost here that signals the time of year that all those old injuries re-surface. Going from 0 (sedentary) to 100 (running) with out first preparing your body for the rigors of exercise will ultimately lead you to injury. We all carry around those old injuries, couple that with faulty mechanics from muscle imbalances and improper exercises and you have set your self up for disaster. Now is the time to stretch, Self Massage and ease into exercise. Jumping into the water without knowing the depth is risky, so is jumping into exercise without knowing the depth of your bodies imbalances.