Monday, November 19, 2007

Eat Like a Bird

Just a few quick thoughts for the upcoming holiday. The average American will eat soooooo much food that they can actually re-set their metabolism LOWER. That's right, from now until past new years most people will consume so many calories (food, alcohol, sweets) that they send a signal to their bodies telling it to burn fewer calories, the net result is that you can actually re-set your caloric furnace lower. If this happens every year over a lifetime, do the math!.
The trick is simple, eat smaller portions. Eat what you want just eat less. Take a walk before you eat, play with the kids, throw the ball around. Become or remain active over the holiday, eat smaller portions-graze instead of binge. To end on a sobering thought, alcohol calories have the same weight and effect as fat calories, roughly double that of protein. make good choices!

1 comment:

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