Monday, September 10, 2007

Take Responsibility for your pain

For those that suffer from back pain, and there are many that do, there has grown a disconnect between the pain sufferer and the medical community. Throwing pills at the pain rarely works, traditional treatments work marginally at best. We need to take responsibility for our own pain, no one will fix you if you are not willing to confront your pain and become personally responsible for fixing it. Pain is there because you have an injury, the injury causes pain and this cycle re-enforces its self over and over. To break this pain spasm cycle you need to meet the generator of the pain and shut it down. This means that YOU need to ICE, STRETCH, and perform the proper EXERCISES. This needs to be done every day without fail.
Of the thousands of patients and clients I have helped over the years the one thing that has made the difference where they had failed before is becoming responsible for treating your own pain by addressing the root of the problem and not just the symptoms.
Stay tuned for the how's and why's.

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